The lure of a settlement loan is clear: upfront money. The interest rate for settlement loans? Imagine the interest rate that Gazzo (Rocky Balboa’s loan shark boss in Rocky I) must have charged. Then double it. Even the lowest rate lawsuit loans that our lawyers have seen are still unbelievably…
Articles Posted in Auto Accidents
Can 3rd Party Drivers be Sued for Signaling to Other Drivers Proceed?
I met a really nice woman last week who young high school son was tragically killed in a car accident in which he was a passenger. I meet the nicest people in this job and I always wish it was under different circumstances. Anyone who drives is very familiar with…
Drunk Driving Punitive Damage Bill Fails – 2018 Update
I wrote last week about a bill pending in the Maryland House of Delegates that would authorize punitive damages against drunk drivers who caused “injury or wrongful death while operating a motor vehicle.” For whatever reason, the House of Delegates Judiciary Committee rejected the bill which means it is not…
“Car Accident Lawyer Jobs Bill” Passes Senate
Early Saturday morning, the United States Senate passed a bill that, if enacted, will be a boon for car accident lawyers in Maryland and around the country. The Senate’s tax reform bill included language which would decrease the federal alcohol excise taxes by 16 percent and lead to steep cuts…
When Should You Settle a Personal Injury Case?
You’ve met your injured client, executed your fee agreement, gathered your facts and put your file together. Your client is asking whether it is time to settle her personal injury case. Is it time to consider a settlement? If you settle a case too soon, you are leaving money on…
When Should You Hire an Expert in Accident Cases?
When should you retain an expert in a personal injury accident case? The short answer is early, usually earlier than you think. This is never a problem in medical malpractice cases, because it is well understood that medical malpractice claims are predicated on expert testimony, to even bring forth a…
Using Your Car Mirrors Property to Avoid Accidents
I’m don’t use this blog much for safety tips. Not because they are unimportant, but because you can get that information elsewhere. However, with Labor Day weekend coming upon us, I have to drive to the Eastern Shore so I’d like to be safe. And I get to feel unbelievably…
The Only Way to Get More Than the Insurance Policy in an Accident Cases
What boggles people’s minds is the fact that many Maryland car accidents that lead to death and disability settle for $100,000 or less. Some settle for $30,000 in cases where the liability is clear or even if the defendant was drunk out of his mind. How to get more than the auto insurance…
Why Do Baltimore Drivers Pay More for Insurance?
Click to enlarge Our main office is now in downtown Baltimore. I love it here. I really do. But driving in Baltimore can be a pain. The daily commute usually involves at least one narrowly escaped crash, jaywalkers deciding to cross right as your light turns green, and the Circulator cutting you…
Is Hands Free Driving Safe?
Maryland has banned the use of handheld cell phones while driving. Obviously, this includes texting, but it also applies to holding a cell phone up to your ear while you talk. I’m glad we have this law. It makes sense that you have both hands to drive and react to…