On Monday, I wrote about the plaintiffs’ lawyers’ flawed economic model. Now, an ABA Journal survey tells us that social media does not help clients find lawyers, and blogs don’t work either. Okay, our law firm is heading back to the Yellow Pages. No, wait, the ABA Journal says the…
Articles Posted in General
Plaintiffs’ Lawyers and Rainy Days
I read an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday about the downfall of big Washington, D.C. law firm heavyweight Howrey, who closed its doors earlier this month. It is an unbelievably steep fall for a law firm that had $570 million in revenue in 2008. In my heart, I…
McDonald’s Happy Meal Lawsuit
A lawsuit has been filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest – fancy name – against McDonald’s in the liberal bastion of San Francisco. The lawsuit alleges that McDonald’s practice of including toys with its Happy Meals is deceptive advertising. From now until the time this lawsuit…
Refer Your Personal Injury Cases to Us. Seriously.
The Insurance Journal reports a rise in legal malpractice claims. Incredibly, there has been no hand wringing about increased malpractice rates for lawyers or fears that lawyers can no longer keep their practices open as their insurance rates rise. We have never had a legal malpractice claim yet our rates…
Listen Up Clients: One Law Firm’s Approach
Above the Law provides an interesting link from a South Carolina family law firm that I can bet you is experiencing a real spike in web traffic. The firm lays down the law to its clients on its website, warning them to wait patiently for return calls (they are busy),…
Personal Injury Lawyers and Blogging
Personal injury lawyers’ blogs are proliferating the web like Lindsay Lohan’s legal problems. It is hard to find any of us now without a blog. I think a lot of personal injury lawyers see this and think the door is closed, and that it is too late to build up…
(Almost) Top 10 Stories of Today
Above the Law provides us with what will be a Maryland Injury Law Center Top Ten Nominee for craziest lawsuit of the year. (Ignore the fact that there is not such a list.) I can’t believe Overlawyered has not picked it up yet. A former medical malpractice lawyer in Maryland…
If you are a regular Maryland Injury Law Center reader, I want to keep you. I’ve read so many good blogs that I stopped reading because I just kinda forgot about them. This is one more way to subscribe.
SuperLawyers 2010
Five Miller & Zois lawyers were represented on the Maryland Superlawyer 2010 list: Ron Miller, Laura Zois, Rod Gaston, John Bratt, and John Cord. This honor is accorded to less than 5 percent of the total number of lawyers in Maryland. Some have questioned honors like these. Eric Turkewitz in…
Speaking Engagement
I will be speaking to the North Carolina Advocates for Justice in Greensboro on Friday, December 11th on maximizing the value of personal injury claims and the related issue of dealing with insurance companies.