
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


Physician Risk Management: Is a Doctor’s Purpose Just to Avoid Malpractice Lawsuits?

Every now and again I read a publication called “Physician Risk Management.” Billed as a publication to help doctors minimize liability and protect them from lawsuits, it is a well-written publication written by people who do seem to know what they are talking about. Here is why I don’t like…


New Maryland Med Mal Opinion | Informed Consent and Apparent Agency

U.S. District of Judge Richard D. Bennett issued an opinion Monday in Robertson v. Iuliano, an informed consent medical malpractice lawsuit against a neurosurgeon and St. Agnes Hospital. New Opinion on Apparent Agency and Informed Consent Law in Maryland The first question you might have is how this malpractice case ended…


New Appellate Opinion on “Relates Back” in a Lap Chole Case

The Georgia Court of Appeals issued an opinion last Thursday on an interesting issue in a wrongful death malpractice claim that we see all too frequently: botched laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Quick facts in this classic malpractice case. Defendant performs a lap chole procedure on a man. The man returns to…


Schneider v. Little: Recent Evidence Rulings From a Harford County Medical Malpractice Case

Yesterday, I was lamenting the lack of interesting Maryland appellate opinions to write about on this blog. But, I let one slip by last month: the Court of Special Appeals’ opinion in Schneider v. Little. This is a medical malpractice case that was initially tried in Harford County in 2010…

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