Should you accept the insurance company’s first offer even if you want to settle your personal injury claim? The answer is clearly no. So why do so many lawyers and victims do it? Fear Factor The primary reason attorneys and victims do just that is this fear that…
Maryland Injury Law Center
“It Wasn’t Me” Defense | New Maryland Case | Hall v. WMATA
But she caught me on the counter (It wasn’t me) Saw me banging on the sofa (It wasn’t me) I even had her in the shower (It wasn’t me) She even caught me on camera (It wasn’t me) She saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn’t me) Heard the…
Why Can’t I Find a Malpractice Lawyer for My Case?
Medical malpractice kills 400,000 people a year in this country and injures 4 million more. The media is now starting to focus on this story, as we just talked about on Monday after the Baltimore Sun’s story on negligence in Maryland hospital. Stories like this help plaintiffs in medical malpractice…
Maryland Hospital Errors | How Many?
The Baltimore Sun published an important front-page article yesterday on hospital errors in Maryland. The premise of the article is a simple yet different approach to medical mistakes in Maryland hospitals. It goes like this. We have about 400,000 patients who are killed every year by medical malpractice. How…
Tort Reformers Were Right, Doctors Do Flee States Without Caps
One of the great selling points of caps in medical malpractice cases is that it encourages doctors to come to your state to practice. Every state, particularly in jurisdictions with rural areas where access and availability to doctors is a prominent concern, want to attract a healthy supply of doctors…
Presumption of Negligence in Maryland Car Accidents | New Opinion
The Maryland Court of Special Appeals decided a chain reaction automobile tort case last week in Cooper v. Singleton that leaves me confused about the current state of Maryland law as to how we communicate our presumption of negligence rule to juries in rear-end collisions… and hoping the Maryland high court steps…
Defense Lawyers Talking to Patient’s Doctors | HIPPA and Maryland Law
One hot button issue in Maryland medical malpractice cases today is the circumstances under which defense lawyers can speak to Plaintiff’s treating doctor. For years, this was not an issue. If a defense lawyer wanted to talk to a treating doctor, she would just pick up the phone and call.…
Can a Truck Accident Be the Legal Cause of a Suicide? | Young v. Swiney
In Young v. Swiney, the U.S. District Court of Maryland was presented with an interesting, albeit depressing question: Can a suicide, two years after a truck crash, be causally related to the accident? The Facts There was no dispute as to liability. The defendant trucking company sought summary judgment on plaintiffs’…
Discovery Failures Kill Malpractice Claim | Valentine-Bowers v. Retina Group
In Valentine-Bowers v. Retina Group of Washington, a new medical malpractice case decided by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, the plaintiff alleged that her physician failed to monitor a problem with her eye that caused her to lose vision in that eye. It is a serious injury for a young…
Testifying at Trial by Skype | New Maryland High Court Opinion
Maryland courtrooms are slow keeping up with the times. This is not an altogether bad thing. What happens in the courtroom matters and we should probably let society work out the kinks of technology and understand all of the potential unintended consequences before our judicial system leaps into the next big…