
Maryland Injury Law Center


New Opinion: Mold Plaintiff Flunks Frye-Reed

The Maryland Court of Appeals decided this morning Chesson v. Montgomery Mutual, a mold exposure workers’ compensation case. I don’t handle mold or workers’ comp cases. But this case has implications for any tort cases involving the question of what opinions an expert can render at trial. Experts almost always…


Medical Malpractice Suits in Maryland Require Form Over Substance… Again

Really tough opinion for medical malpractice plaintiffs in Maryland was issued in U.S. District Court last week. Tangent #1: Why Isn’t This Case in State Court? Technicalities are abound in malpractice cases As a preliminary matter, it is complete garbage that this case is in federal court in the first…


$55 Million Turns to Zero | Baltimore Malpractice Verdict Reversed

Last summer, we were talking about the $55 million cerebral palsy malpractice verdict against Johns Hopkins. This summer the verdict – which was reduced to $28 million – is hanging by a thread after the Maryland Court of Special Appeals overturned the verdict. Unless the Maryland high court sees the…

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