
Maryland Injury Law Center


New Maryland Med Mal Opinion | Informed Consent and Apparent Agency

U.S. District of Judge Richard D. Bennett issued an opinion Monday in Robertson v. Iuliano, an informed consent medical malpractice lawsuit against a neurosurgeon and St. Agnes Hospital. New Opinion on Apparent Agency and Informed Consent Law in Maryland The first question you might have is how this malpractice case ended…


Fraudulent Joinder Argument Shot Down in Federal Court in Mesothelioma Case

U.S. District Court Judge William M. Nickerson remanded an asbestos case back to Baltimore City Circuit Court, rejecting defendant’s efforts to remove the case to federal court because the defendant had joined non-diverse defendants. The case is one of many asbestos cases on the docket in Baltimore City. Plaintiff alleges…


The WMATA Can Do Whatever It Wants to You: Maryland Law Is That It Is Open Season on Passengers

Today, I will break down the election from every conceivable angle and offer my opinions on how America chose and why. Wait, don’t go anywhere. I’m kidding. I’d rather eat my own kidneys then talk about politics for another second. Let’s get back to developments in Maryland law. The Maryland…


Why Serious Injury Cases are Hard to Settle Without Filing Suit

Serious personal injury cases, where pain and suffering damages are high but less than the cap on non-economic damages, are the hardest claims to value and the hardest cases to settle without suing. Almost invariably in these cases, I’m telling my clients that the case’s value is likely to be…

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