Getting every last dollar the victims deserve Caps on non-economic damages make it impossible to receive true fair value in death claims in Maryland (and in most states). Accordingly, personal injury lawyers need to turn over every stone to maximize the economic damages in wrongful death cases. The future lost…
Maryland Injury Law Center
Maryland Hospitals Referring Lawyers?
The Baltimore Sun had an interesting front page article yesterday on Maryland hospitals referring patients with malpractice claims to specific medical malpractice lawyers. I think this is a terrible idea. First, everyone means well. The hospitals know they have made a mistake and want to (1) get the clients to…
Allstate Wants Me to Link to Them
This is hysterical: Hello Mr. Miller: My name is Mary [deleted], and I’m working with Allstate Insurance to ensure they are being accurately and effectively represented online. I was reading your article “I Support Allstate” at and noticed that while you discuss Allstate (thank you for your interesting thoughts)…
New Maryland Medical Malpractice COA Opinion
The Maryland Court of Appeals issued an opinion Friday in Spangler v. McQuitty, ending this cerebral palsy medical malpractice case that began 17 years ago. I first wrote about this case two years ago when the Maryland Court of Appeals heard this tragic case involving a boy born with severe…
I Support Allstate
We have our share of struggles with Allstate in traffic collision, and other personal injury cases. Allstate can be a difficult company to deal with when they are defending either first or third-party injury claims. But this insurer just won a big fight – a critical fight for them –…
Jury Strikes Matter | Trial Strategy
When picking a jury, peremptory strikes are a big deal. There are almost invariably a few prospective jurors high on the roll call that you just know are anti-plaintiff. I don’t know how I know this – you get just a glimpse of Maryland jurors in voir dire – but…
USAA Release for Minors
USAA offers a release form for minors in certain situations. If a minor is a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or has a custodial account, USAA may require a release form in order to distribute funds to the minor. The USAA release form for minors typically requires the signature…
Settlement Demand Letters | How to Write
How to Write Demand Letters We get a lot of cases from other lawyers who try and fail to settle personal injury cases. So I’ve seen everything from just sending in some medical records with no cover letter, to demand letters longer than Mr. Holland’s Opus (which, admittedly, I never…
Uninsured Motorist Waiver
I had a prospective client call in a few weeks ago with an interesting uninsured motorist waiver issue that I thought I would share. To keep the world simple, Maryland law requires that insurance companies match up their insured liability coverage to their uninsured motorist coverage. But it allows for…
Gross Negligence Bar Is High Hurdle
In Maryland, and in most states, there are immunities for police, fire and rescue agencies and personnel from civil liability for negligence. There is an exception for intentional torts and a “grossly negligent act.” Of course, this begs the question of what is a “grossly negligent act”? In Markevicz v.…