
Maryland Injury Law Center


Malpractice Statute Applies in Federal Court Says Maryland Court of Special Appeals

In a new opinion by the Maryland Court of Appeals, the court answers whether Maryland’s Health Claims Arbitration requirements should apply to cases filed in federal court where the malpractice occurred outside of Maryland. Certainly an important issue to address. Lewis v. Waletzky involves a claim that a psychiatrist in…


Maryland Medical Malpractice: New Opinion on Locality Rule

Malpractice attorneys representing doctors famously prefer to elevate form over substance and tactics over strategy. This is not partisan. It is fact. The doctors’ malpractice attorneys really don’t disagree. They would call it taking advantage of the grab bag of opportunities to fight the details that the law and inexperienced…


Amanda Knox: Impact on Personal Injury Lawyers Explaining Risk to Clients

The Georgia Criminal Appellate Blog writes about the concern that his clients will “over-learn” the lesson of Amanda Knox’s successful appeal: For the criminal trial lawyer, the Casey Anthony verdict was the result that made it difficult to counsel clients on whether to accept a negotiated plea rather than risk…

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