
Maryland Injury Law Center


Property Damage Claims Releases

Before a client executes a release or signs a check for a property damage claim, I want to review the release if they have a potential personal injury claim from the accident. Particularly in uninsured motorist cases, but this paranoia extends to every type of accident case. Why? I don’t…


Heart, Gallbladder, Liver and Spleen Injury Values

Car accidents can cause circulatory system injuries.  My law firm has seen heart attacks, spleen injuries, liver and lung injuries, gallbladder injuries. Jury Verdict Research provides a study on median compensatory award for circulatory system injuries: Heart attacks: $443,750 Gallbladder injuries: 259,117 Liver injuries: $221,185 Spleen injuries: $40,342 Overall: $225,000…


Hip Replacement Settlements/Verdicts with July 2022 Updates

Metro Verdicts Monthly’s cover graph is hip replacement settlements and verdicts in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. The graph just says “hip replacements” so there is really no context. I will assume that these are primarily injury cases and not product liability claims because those claims – most notably against…

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