
Maryland Injury Law Center


Garnishing Personal Injury Settlements in Maryland

The Maryland Daily Record reports that a personal injury settlement is not subject to garnishment for child support, according to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals opinion in Rosemann vs. Salsbury, Clements, Bekman, Marder and Adkins, LLC. This action stems from an effort by a father to get child support…


Car Accident Lawsuits: Time Magazine Article

Time Magazine has an interesting article on auto tort cases.  The article has the usual stuff: insurance company complaints about high verdicts, people faking injuries, jackpot justice, the backlog in the courts, and that most personal injury victims only receive small settlements. Here are a few quotes: The automobile accounts…


Medical Malpractice Caps, David Petraeus, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King: Watch Me Strain to Relate Them All Together to Close Out 2008

The Daily Herald in Chicago published an editorial yesterday that urges the Illinois Supreme Court to overturn the Illinois cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases. The article, written by the President on the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (I guess they have not gotten the Association for Justice memo),…


Closing Arguments: Something to Remind the Jury in Serious Personal Injury Cases

I recently read a closing argument in another lawyers’ medical malpractice case. In his final thoughts to the jury, he reminded the jurors of what I always remind jurors of when I’m delivering a closing: the memories of the victim will fade for you and for me, but this person…


Republicans and Democrats and Jury Awards: Does Party Affiliation Matter?

Wisconsin Lawyer (link since removed) has an interesting article on the impact a juror’s political bent has on the amount of damages awarded in personal injury cases. The study contained 476 mock jurors who identified themselves as either Democrats or Republicans. The jurors took part in mock trials for cases…

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