Virginia Lawyers Weekly reports today on a $1,000,000 settlement in a medical malpractice Erb’s palsy case. The interesting thing about this case is that the injuries occurred during a cesarean section. The father of the child claimed he witnessed the obstetrician applying excessive force to the fetal head after the…
Maryland Injury Law Center
Protecting the Injury Victim During Deposition
Goal number one when your client is giving a deposition is to do no harm. The greatest harm your client can do in almost any personal injury case in his/her deposition is to get caught in a lie. Clients are most prone to “lie” about prior car accidents because they…
Medical Malpractice Study
A recent study found that juries are more likely to side with doctors in medical malpractice cases. The study showed that juries are skeptical of people and their lawyers who sue their doctors and that most medical malpractice trials result in a verdict for the medical doctors. (See yesterday’s Maryland…
Claim for $65 Million for Roy Pearson’s Lost Pants
[EDITOR’S UPDATE: There is a verdict: click here for blog on the good news of a VERDICT in Pearson v. Chang.] Pearson v. Chang was the McDonald case of the last decade If Roy Pearson did not exist, advocates of tort reform would invent him. Mr. Pearson is an administrative…
Study Highlights General Motors’ Vehicle Death Rates
The Insurance Journal reported today on an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study that found that General Motors’ vehicles had both the highest and lowest death rates in the period between 2002 and 2005. Chevrolet Blazers built from 2001 to 2004 had 232 driver deaths per million registered vehicles during…
Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Filed Against Carolina Panthers’ Team Doctor
Former Carolina Panthers wide receiver Patrick Jeffers re-filed his medical malpractice and negligence lawsuit last week against the Carolina Panthers’ former team doctor. Jeffers had originally brought a medical malpractice claim in 2003, but his lawyers voluntarily dismissed the claim last year. The new medical malpractice lawsuit is virtually identical…
First Party Bad Faith Passes the Maryland Legislature
The Maryland Senate has passed House Bill 425 and the Maryland House of Delegates today also passed the bill, which puts a new requirement of good faith for insurance companies dealing with their insureds. The bill now heads to Governor O’Malley for his signature. The Governor has previously pledged support…
Causes of Maryland Truck Accidents
According to The Federal Motor Carry Safety Administration’s 2006 report, there are approximately 141,000 truck crashes every year. In 77,000 of these truck accidents – more than half – the fault was attributed to the truck driver. This is interesting because we have been getting data from the American Trucking…
Slip and Fall Cases on Snow and Ice: Will You Win?
I stumbled on a Metro Verdicts Monthly from last year that examined the success plaintiffs have at trial in slip and fall cases on snow and ice. In Maryland, defendants prevailed 62% of the time. The difficulty in these cases often lies not with whether the defendant was negligent, but…
Maryland Drivers Who Get Speeding Tickets Continue to Speed According to University of Maryland Study
Ever wonder why your insurance rates go up when you get a speeding ticket? A study of 3.7 million licensed Maryland drivers shows that ticketing does not reduce drivers’ likelihood of getting another ticket for speeding. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine looked at Maryland’s licensed drivers…