When I try a case with another lawyer (usually my partner, Laura Zois, if we are trying a large case), I always want to do the opening statement and direct examination of our client because I believe these are the most important components of a trial. Particularly the opening statement. I remember once seeing data that said the opening decides 90% of cases. I do not believe it is actually this high, but that number has always stuck in my head.
It is a brilliant marriage because Laura believes you win by cross-examining the defendant’s expert and delivering an effective closing statement. When we have been successful in trying a case, we both claim (to ourselves) credit for the victory. It works out great.
I will blog more over the next month about opening statements and direct examinations, starting today with direct examinations. I was looking today at Ralph Adam Fine’s The How-To-Win Trial Manual (Juris 3d rev. ed. 2005) and found an improvement I need to make in my direct examinations.